Tag Archives: Boost Energy

Turmeric’s Top 7 Benefits + 2 Potential Problems

Aug 23, 2021 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on Turmeric’s Top 7 Benefits + 2 Potential Problems

  TURMERIC’S TOP 7 BENEFITS  **Please see references below for more information. 1. Memory, Mood and Brain Health An 18 month study showed individuals who had mild memory complaints saw significant improvement in both memory and attention when supplementing with curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric.  Plus, they saw improvements in mood and their PET scans showed a decrease in amyloid accumulation in the amygdala and hypothalamus (responsible for memory and emotional tasks). Curcumin was also compared to Prozac (an anti-depressant medication with a long list of side effects) in a clinical study.  Researchers were surprised to learn that curcumin could beRead more …

The Root of Mental Illness

Aug 19, 2021 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on The Root of Mental Illness

Mental health can have its roots in a variety of conditions or imbalances in the body.  These imbalances can manifest in a variety of different ways including: Acne or eczema Arthritis Digestive health (IBS/IBD/Diverticulitis) Inflammation Autoimmune conditions Imbalanced blood sugar Hormone Imbalances Candidiasis PLUS – It’s difficult to feel emotionally well and balanced if you’re dealing with a chronic or persistent health challenge. SO… you might be wondering… –  how can this happen? ​ Many people are on very restrictive diets, because of digestive upset. Cutting out entire food groups can make it more difficult to get all the essential nutrientsRead more …

Do You Need To Take Supplements?

Oct 12, 2018 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on Do You Need To Take Supplements?

As a nutritionist, I believe that food should be your primary source of nutrients, but when nutrient deficiencies occur supplementation helps to kick-start and restore the building blocks the body and brain need to boost energy and improve overall health. Many people feel that because they eat really well they shouldn’t have to take any supplements.  And, perhaps this is true for you?  I wish this were the case for all of us…  Unfortunately, a lot of the food available today does not have the same nutrient content it once did.  Poor soil, chemicals and pesticides used in growing practicesRead more …

What Is The Missing Link?

Sep 16, 2018 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on What Is The Missing Link?

In our last Blog, “What Is Food?”, (click HERE to read) we discussed the importance of good quality food, and the importance of consuming all three macronutrients (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats) to stay healthy and energized. In this issue we will take it to the next level and discover why food is so powerful when it comes to your health.  For many of us it could be the “missing link”…After all, food is:​​ Information A building block for the body Ammunition against disease Fuel   How can food heal and energize… The body is constantly trying to heal itself, to maintainRead more …

What Is Food?

Aug 29, 2018 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on What Is Food?

This may seem like an overly simplistic question. We get hungry >> we eat, right?  Well… it’s not really that simple.   The bottom line is that the food we eat becomes our cells, our blood, our organs, and our bones, every single part of us. As well, the food we eat can help to lower inflammation, improve cognitive function and mood. So, why would we fuel our body with junk? I know the answer – because poor quality food is everywhere, it takes the least effort to prepare, it is designed to be addictive, and we’re bombarded with advertising!Read more …

Five Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead

Jun 27, 2018 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on Five Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead

You knew there was a bit of an over-emphasis (borderlining obsession) about cholesterol, right? Before we jump into some myths let’s make sure we’re on the same page when it comes to what exactly cholesterol is.   Myth #1: “Cholesterol” is cholesterol While cholesterol is an actual molecule, what it is bound to while it’s floating through your blood is what’s more important than just how much of it there is overall. In fact, depending on what it’s combined with can have opposite effects on your arteries and heart. Yes, opposite!   So cholesterol is just one component of aRead more …

Spring Clean To Boost Energy

May 2, 2018 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on Spring Clean To Boost Energy

When we think of Spring many turn to the thought of cleaning their homes. As the sun shines suddenly we notice how cluttered our homes have become. Time to clean out a drawer, or wash a few windows? Well, there is something else that could use some cleaning and that is your body -from the inside out:)   Sounds Like A Project? – Read On For Some Simple Tips   Did you know that any of the following symptoms could be related to toxicity in the body:   Fatigue/Exhaustion Brain fog Headaches Chronic joint or muscle pain Digestion issues includingRead more …

Everything You Think You Know About Healthy Eating is Wrong

Jan 22, 2018 | Posted by in Blogs | Comments Off on Everything You Think You Know About Healthy Eating is Wrong

Oh my gosh – nutrition and diet info is everywhere! And each expert and association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right? Well, maybe… Everyone has heard (and maybe lived through) the intense focus on how much you eat. This has gotten way too much attention because while this does affect your weight and energy level, it’s certainly not the “holy grail” of health. Let’s focus a bit more on the often overlooked (and proven) benefits of what you eat and drink and how you eat andRead more …