Sugar Free Coconut Bark
By admin Breakfast, Dessert, Snack dairy free, gluten free, Sugar Free, vegan
February 10, 2017
This is a great snack to have on hand when trying to give up sugar. Filled with lots of good fats to help balance blood sugar and mood while boosting energy and improving memory. Yes! This snack has all that:) Use any nuts you have on hand (raw and unsalted)...

1Line a 9 x 13 cookie pan with parchment paper and set aside
2Heat 2 teaspoons coconut oil in a cast iron pan on medium heat. Add almonds and pecans. Reduce heat to medium low and toast for 2 - 3 minutes rotating frequently (about every 20 seconds) to prevent from burning. Remove from heat and sprinkle with Himalayan salt. Set Aside.
3Melt the coconut butter with coconut oil in a double broiler or in a large metal bowl over top of a saucepan filled with water to touch the bottom of the bowl. Mix in almond and vanilla extracts. Add almonds and pecans to melted coconut and mix thoroughly. Spread mixture onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle the shredded coconut onto the top.
4Place the cookie sheet in the fridge or freezer for 15 minutes or so. Remove and break into random pieces