1. Fill your plate with fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables

Spring is a great time to incorporate more vitamins and minerals with fresh veggies and fruits. If possible, look for organic and/or go to a local farmer’s market. It can be more expensive, but you do get many more antioxidant/anti-inflammatory phytonutrients for your buck.

  1. Be mindful of opportunities to overindulge

Warmer weather often means more outdoor gatherings like picnics and BBQ’s. I suggest you arm yourself with a few ‘go to’ recipes. Check my website for super healthy and delicious recipes, like salads, devilled eggs, burgers and more…

Also be mindful to watch your alcohol intake at gatherings. Bringing along some naturally sweetened carbonated drinks or kombucha is a good idea.

  1. Stay Hydrated

When it’s warmer outside, your body can lose more moisture. Even if you’re just mildly dehydrated it can cause fatigue, low energy and headaches. Help prevent dehydration by keeping a water bottle handy at all times.

Another benefit of drinking water is it can help you eat a more reasonable amount of food.

  1. Get some sun

There are many benefits to getting some sunlight, it produces vitamin D and it can help release serotonin in the body, which can boost mood. Make sure to use a good quality sunscreen – without dangerous chemicals – to ensure you avoid burning skin.

  1. Watch for allergens

Spring can bring a spike in outdoor allergens like pollen, but it’s also a good time to minimize your exposure to allergens indoors too. Deep cleaning your home, moving furniture and vacuuming rugs and carpets to help remove dust.

  1. Check in with your doctor and/or holistic healthcare practitioner

Having an annual wellness check-in with your family doctor or reviewing past recommendations and visiting with your holistic healthcare practitioner can help you stay on top of your wellness goals.  When it comes to our health, it’s best to be pro-active, get educated about what your body needs while implementing some preventative strategies. This way you’ll have the energy you need to have the BEST SPRING AND SUMMER EVER!